

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Tips for the hair salon experience

  1. However long you thought you would be-DOUBLE it.
  2. Always dress to impress when you go to the hairdressers. You want a trendy style? Give them something to work with. Inspire them.
  3. Be prepared. You will have to look at yourself for hours and hours and HOURS. Bring a book, magazine, or temporary blindess, because, under the unforgiving light and uninterrupted scrutiny, even the most vain will tire of the sight of themselves and start to see faults that no one else notices.
  4. Do not opt for a style that you need to have a degree in cutting and hairdressing to recreate each morning.
  5. Never say 'Do what you fancy' They will scalp you or, worse, get 'creative'.
  6. Know what style that suits your face, and stick with it. Be cautious about following trends.
  7. Access the conversational skills of your hairdresser.
  8. Never chat when they are cutting your fringe, they could have your eye out. Or you could end up with hair in your mouth. Most unpleasant.
  9. It is hard to hear when the dryer is on, so get past the punch line of the story before then.
  10. Be aware of the weather. What is the point of having a 'do' done and then stepping out into a hurricane or downpour? It is a common sense ALWAYS to have a brolly with you.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why, but I love that picture of this girl being harassed with people beautifying her! Wow, I've never thought about it that way with tip number two where you want to dress nice for your hair stylist. Most people wouldn't suspect this tip where it also inspires the hair dresser and gives them something to work with to match your style. That is by far one of the most unique tips I've ever heard!
