How to make stylish excuses
Beautiful people are sometimes more prone to keep you waiting than plain people are because there's a big time differential between the beautiful and plain" Andy Warhol. So true.
Even with the best will in the world sometimes you just won't make it. It is a myth that timekeeping is unstylish. But being supremely delayed is tardy, chaotic, ill manered and downright rude.
This handy guide will help you gauge the appropriate level of apolpogy:
No excuse necessary. You have arrived. What is the problem?
Disarm irritated faces with compliments and follow with casual apology, blaming external factors. Ex: 'Oh how lovely to see you all again. You look so well. Nightmare getting a cab/traffic/parking isn't it?'
Vaguely suggest a day of exciting trauma, but be careful not to elaborate, settle in quickly and become absorbed in the current conversation. 'What a day! You just can't imagine. Oh well atleadt I'm here, so what have I missed? Anyone else have trouble getting here?. . . and so on.
This requires show stopping entrance, but it is no bad thing as it will remind evetybody that you are a special vreature and can't be expected to keep to standard timekeeping. As Marilyn Monroe once said, ' I have often been on calendars but I have never been on time.'
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